§ 382.33 Advance notice requirements.

Featured image for § 382.33 Advance notice requirements.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a carrier shall not require a qualified individual with a disability to provide advance notice of his or her intention to travel or of his or her disability as a condition of receiving transportation or of receiving services or accommodations required by this part.

(b) A carrier may require up to 48 hours advance notice and one-hour advance check-in concerning a qualified individual with a disability who wishes to receive any of the following services, types of equipment, or accommodations:

(1) Medical oxygen for use on board the aircraft, if this service is available on the flight;

(2) Carriage of an incubator, if this service is available on the flight;

(3) Hook-up for a respirator to the aircraft electrical power supply, if this service is available on the flight;

(4) Accommodation for a passenger who must travel in a stretcher, if this service is available on the flight;

(5) Transportation for an electric wheelchair on a flight scheduled to be made with an aircraft with fewer than 60 seats;

(6) Provision by the carrier of hazardous materials packaging for a battery for a wheelchair or other assistive device;

(7) Accommodation for a group of ten or more qualified individuals with a disability, who make reservations and travel as a group; and

(8) Provision of an on-board wheelchair on an aircraft that does not have an accessible lavatory.

(c) If a passenger does not meet advance notice or check-in requirements established by a carrier consistent with this section, the carrier shall nonetheless provide the service, equipment, or accommodation if it can do so by making a reasonable effort, without delaying the flight.

(d) Carriers’ reservation and other administrative systems shall ensure that when advance notice is provided by qualified individuals with a disability as provided by this section, the notice is recorded and properly transmitted to operating employees responsible for providing the accommodation concerning which notice was provided.

(e) If the qualified individual with a disability provides the notice required by the carrier for a service under paragraph (b) of this section, the carrier shall ensure that the requested service is provided.

(f) If a qualified individual with a disability provides advance notice to a carrier, and the individual is forced to change to the flight of a different carrier because of the cancellation of the original flight or the substitution of inaccessible equipment, the first carrier shall, to the maximum extent feasible, provide assistance to the second carrier in providing the accommodation requested by the individual from the first carrier.

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