2015 Airline Pet Travel Summary

The overall number of reported pet related travel incidents increased in 2015. Six airlines reported a total of 63 pet deaths, injuries and losses. This is an increase over the 45 incidents reported in 2014.
While there has been a notable improvement in using zip-ties to secure kennel doors and this has likely helped to keep the number of pet losses low again for 2015 with only three reported loses, though there were two injuries that were related to escapes as well.
The number or reported deaths more than doubled from 16 in 2014 to 36 in 2015. Many of the deaths appear to be related to stress caused by by transport. Though not called out in many of the reports or necropsy, an example from the September 2015 Report highlights the risks:
The necropsy reported the cause of death was attributed to acute pulmonary edema known to be common for this brachycephalic breed under a stressed situation.
Injuries totaled 25 in 2015 a drop of two from 2014.
A summary of all the pet incidents in 2015 can be found here.
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