
See all incidents for Alaska Airlines

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Alaska Airlines
Incident Date: Nov 19, 2007
Report Date: January 2008
Incident Type: Injury
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: Not reported
Flight Number: 537
Originating Airport: DEN (Denver Intl)
Destination Airport: SEA (Seattle-Tacoma Intl)
Reporting Airport: SEA (Seattle-Tacoma Intl)


Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 537(DEN/SEA) Date of incident: November 19, 2007 Time of incident: Approximately 9:30 A.M. (PT)

Description of animal (including name): Dog (Unknown: breed, name, sex, age of pet)

Narrative description of incident: Upon opening the aircraft pit, Seattle ramp personnel found that the dog’s paw was trapped between the lip of the kennel and its access door. Our Agent promptly freed the animal’s paw. The dog stood up and began yelping as he licked his paw. It appears that this incident happened in flight and that the dog had been trying to escape. The dog appeared exhausted but was slowly regaining the use of his paw. The owners were in baggage claim to meet the dog and carried him out of the airport. This does not appear to be a handling incident but more likely a result of an energetic dog that simply wanted out of his kennel.

Narrative description of the cause of the incident: While attempting to free himself from his kennel during flight, the dog lodged his paw underneath the kennel door.

Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: No action required.

No photographs available


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