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Pet Travel Incident Details
Alaska Airlines
Report Details
Incident 2 Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 72 (Juneau, AK to Seattle, WA) Date of incident: August 18, 2011 Time of incident: Approximately 11:30 A.M. Pacific Time
Description of animal (including name): A seven-year-old, female Siberian husky.
Narrative description of incident: Upon opening the cargo door the Seattle ramp agents discovered a dog inside its kennel, tipped on its side, with its front paws bleeding. It appeared that the dog was trying to escape the kennel by digging at the kennel door with its paws. The passenger was contacted and made aware that the kennel had shifted during flight, found on its side and that her dog’s paws were bloody, she was given water to clean the dog’s paws before leaving the airport.
Narrative description of the cause of the incident: A seven-year-old, female Siberian husky had injuries to her front paws from attempting to dig out of its kennel. The kennel had also shifted in flight and was found on its side.
Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: No action required.
No photographs available
DOT Animal Incident Report – August 2011 - Redacted
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