See all incidents for Alaska AirlinesPet Travel Incident Details
Incident Date: Jul 01, 2012
Report Date: September 2012
Incident Type: Injury
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: Yes Definition
Animal Age: Not reported
Flight Number: 151
Originating Airport: ANC (Ted Stevens Anchorage Intl)
Destination Airport: OME (Nome)
Reporting Airport: OME (Nome)
Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 151 (Anchorage, AK; to Kotzebue, AK; to Nome, AK) Date of incident: July 1, 2012 Time of incident: Approximately P.M.
Description of animal (including name): a pit-bull, unknown age, sex or name.
Narrative description of incident: Upon the flight arrival in Kotzebue, AK and Nome, AK the ramp personel noticed that a pit-bull, had chewed out of its kennel during each flight segment and had minor cuts to its mouth. Airline personnel immediately notified the pet owner in Kotzebue, with a verbal acknowledgement and then again in Nome, when they brought the passenger planeside to assist with the situation.
Narrative description of the cause of the incident: a pit-bull chewed out of its kennel sometime during the flight. There is no evidence to suggest that the airline’s handling contributed to the animal’s injury.
Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: No action required and no photographs available
PetFlight Report:
September 2012 Airline Pet Travel Report
Original Report
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