
See all incidents for Alaska Airlines

Pet Travel Incident Details

Airline: Alaska Airlines
Incident Date: May 15, 2015
Report Date: July 2015
Incident Type: Injury
Animal: Dog
Brachycephalic: No Definition
Animal Age: Not reported
Flight Number: AS679
Originating Airport: DEN (Denver Intl)
Destination Airport: SEA (Seattle-Tacoma Intl)
Reporting Airport: DEN (Denver Intl)


Incident 4 of 6: Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: AS679 (Denver, CO to Seattle, WA) Date of incident: May 15, 2015 Time of incident: 5:40 AM MDT Type of Incident: Injury Description of animal (including name): Siberian Husky of unknown age and name. Narrative description of incident: During the loading process for AS679 from Denver, CO to Seattle, WA, ramp personnel reported that a Siberian Husky of unknown age had damaged the kennel it was traveling in and in doing so had sustained minor gum damage. The animal and passengers were removed from the flight and rebooked for a flight later in the day. The passengers were required to purchase a new kennel for acceptance prior to travel and the animal was taken to the vet. Narrative description of the cause of the incident: During the loading process for AS679, ramp personnel reported that a dog had damaged its kennel and had sustained minor gum damage in the process. There is no evidence to suggest that the airline’s handling contributed to the animal’s death. Narrative description of any corrective action taken in response to the incident: No corrective actions required; No photographs available of incident.

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