June 2007 Airline Pet Travel Report

The June, 2007 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of April, 2007.

Alaska Airlines reported the death of an 11 year old dog. It was noticed that the dog had one eye closed and tearing up prior to flight. The owner mentioned that the dog had been under stress during the family's move. No corrective action was taken.

Alaska Airlines also reported the injury of a small Poodle who escaped from a two-piece kennel and ran across the Seattle ramp / runway. The owner was able to call "Buddy" out of the bushes where he ran, but was bleeding for at least two paws. Alaska Airlines said that hey will remind ticket agents to inspect two-piece kennels and to continue to suggest that owners secure kennels with zip ties to ensure that they stay together.

Continental reported the death of one dog and the loss of one cat. The death was a 4 year old female Bull Mastiff who was found deceased in Seattle from Houston. There was no apparent cause of death and a necropsy indicated a pre-existing heart condition.

A cat escaped its kennel from a Honolulu to Guam flight, but was not noticed until arrival in Guam. Continental flew the owner back to Honolulu to help in the search. To date, the cat has not been found.

This might point to a trend of careless in the ground workers at the Honolulu airport as there have been a few incidents that point to this.

Incidents by Airline during April, 2007

Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
Alaska Airlines logo Alaska Airlines 0 1 1
Continental Continental 1 0 1
Total 1 1 2
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Incident Details for April, 2007

  • Alaska Airlines logo

    Death of a Dog

    Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 215 Date of incident: 4/17/07 Time of incident: (During-...

  • Alaska Airlines logo

    Injury of a Dog

    Carrier: Alaska Airlines Flight: 715 Date of incident: 4/28/07 Time of incident: Approx. ...

  • Continental

    Death of a Dog

    INCIDENT #1: Flt #667 Houston - Anchorage Dog - Female / 4 years old April 26, 20...

  • Continental

    Loss of a Cat

    INCIDENT #2: Flt #1 Honolulu - Guam Cat - Male / 1 year old February 27, 2007 ...

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Source: June 2007 Air Travel Consumer Report