November 2016 Airline Pet Travel Report

The November, 2016 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of September, 2016.

American Airlines
A Affenpinscher dog injured its tail during transport. No additional information was provided.

A Staffordshire Bull Terrier named Mercedes arrived in Cincinnati, OH unresponsive. Dog was taken to vet and was deceased. Necropsy revealed this brachycephalic dog with narrow airway reduced dog's airflow and everted saccules led to increased respiration and continually rising body heat. The cause of death was respiratory failure.

United Airlines
A two year-old Boston Terrier named Cayetana arrived deceased in Newark, NJ. The owner declined a necropsy to determine the cause of death.

A three year-old Golden Retriever injured its mouth chewing on metal wire of cage door during a flight to Denver, CO.

A seven year-old American Staffordshire Terrier named Winston dies shortly before a flight from San Salvador. Heat stroke was listed as the cause of death. The reports states that there were no apparent discrepancies in handling or reports of extreme weather conditions, United is reviewing the internal process at El Salvador International Airport.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during September, 2016.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
American Airlines 0 1 0
SkyWest 0 0 1
United Airlines 0 1 2
Total 0 2 3

See all incidents included in the November, 2016 report.

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Source: November 2016 Air Travel Consumer Report