May 2011 Airline Pet Travel Report

The May, 2011 Airline Pet Travel Report contains pet incidents for the month of March, 2011.

American Airlines reports the death of a 13 year-old mixed-bread dog named Weenie. No visible trama was reported and all aircraft temperature controls were functioning correctly.

Delta reports the injury of a Chihuahua. Upon arrival, the kennel was damaged and a few days later the owner reported that three lower incisor crowns were missing and evidence of a cut on the inside of the lip were found.

A two year-old English Bulldog arrived deceased in Athens, Greece from New York's John F. Kennedy airport. The conclusion of the veterinary doctor based on the autopsy findings is that the immediate cause of death is the acute collapse of the circulatory system. The acute circulatory deficit was primarily due to the left ventricle endocarditis and may have been worsened by circumstantial conditions associated with the stress of travel.

A seven year-old King Charles Spaniel named Dorothy passed away while waiting for a flight from Tampa, Florida. Delta reports that a delay was incurred for a mechanical issue. The condition of Dorothy was checked by both the ground and flight crews and appeared to be sedated but alive. As of the report date, the autopsy results have not been received and the cause of death is unknown.

Delta also reported the death of two five year-old Guinea Pigs on a flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Atlanta, Georgia. Necropsies were completed. The first pet, Arthur had microscopic changes in the heart which were likely associated with the cause of death. The change in temperature, environment and stress could have decreased the ability to compensate for the heart disease and/or could have triggered an arrhythmia. The second pet, Tuck also had changes noted in the heart that likely contributed to death. The stressful conditions probably decreased the compensatory mechanisms or triggered an arrhythmia and he had subsequent heart failure with pulmonary congestion and edema.

United reported the death of an English Bulldog named Hoku. Hoku arrived deceased in Atalanta, Georgia from Frankfurt, Germany. A necropsy was performed and some health issues were found previous to travel and after, no final determination was made of cause of death. United reports that all airport procedures were followed and three other kennels holding a dog and two cats in cargo hold were all in good health.

Pet Travel Incidents by Airline during March, 2011.
Airline Losses Injuries Deaths
American Airlines 0 0 1
Delta 0 1 4
United Airlines 0 0 1
Total 0 1 6

See all incidents included in the May, 2011 report.

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Source: May 2011 Air Travel Consumer Report