Relieving Locations at Washington Dulles International Airport
Washington Dulles International (IAD) in Washington, DC.
Where to walk your dog:
Pre-Security, Outdoor Locations
Outside of the Main Terminal on the east end of the Departures level. Go out the doors closest to the United Airlines ticket counter and turn right.
Outside of the Main Terminal on the west end of the Departures level near the walkway to Daily Garage 2. Go out the doors closest to the Delta ticket counter and turn left.
Outside of the Main Terminal on the east end of the baggage claim level. Follow signs near Baggage Claim #1 which say "Service Animal Relief Area."
Post-Security, Indoor Locations
A and B-Gates: Between the concession area and Gate A-31.
C and D-Gates: Across from Gate D-1.
Visit IAD's website for more information.