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Pet Travel Incident Details
Report Details
Delta Cargo Live Animal Incident Re ort Redacted Cargo Incident Report Date of Incident: June 22, 2014 Los Aneles, CA Newark, NJ (EWR) - Detroit, MI (DTW) - Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Filght - 019 006-02743436 Description of Animal: 5.5 r old male Pug, named “Simba” Simba was a 5.5 year old male pug, weighing approximately 30lbs, who was presented for travel from Newark, NJ to Los Angeles, CA on June 22. All documents were reviewed and processed. Simba’s owner assisted our agents at EWR by drilling holes to secure the animal inside the crate and he also provided him water before the front door was closed shut. DL3767 pushed back from the gate at 1243 and the flight was off the ground in EWR at 1259. The Description of Incident: temperature at the time of departure was 75°F. The flight arrived DTW without incident at 1429. No signs of distress were reported by the ramp agents. The connecting flight (DLo19) promptly departed DTW to LAX at 1552, arriving LAX at 1751PST. The temperature at the time of departure was 80°F. By 181oPST Simba was recovered by the supervisor on duty and his owners were notified of his passing. Doctors at the Advanced Veterinary Care Center Cause of Incident: suggest Simba died of cardiopulmonary failure. The report states there is pulmonary congestion and edema supporting their conclusion. As part of our proactive corrective measure, both the origin and transfer stations were instructed to review the operational procedures for the acceptance and handling of snub-nosed breeds.
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